
My best friends little girl, Jayda, painting. Oil on masonite
board. It took me like 2 to 3 hours to do. 24"x36" (2002).


Anonymous said...

dude what a cool picture. man your figures make me sick. in a good way of course. its all looking really good! congrats!

Pere Devesa said...

I like very much your drawings. You're a great artist

Artist_Grass- said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim Coleman said...

Hey man I saw you added me on your blog links. I am honored! I stop by your blog all the time to see what you have been doing. Your stuff is fantastic. Your figure drawings always really impressed me and I can't wait to see more paintings.

Artist_Grass- said...

hey brandon.

check out my website www.paulgrass.com. my friend programed it and is willing to do the whole thing similar to mine for a painting trade off. he wants to start a nich for the fine art programing. i knkow you just started to want to create a business card and this is a perfect oppertunity to get out there. his email is boisvert@gmail.com

he needs 1 more person so he can lanch his site. send him a line if your interested. really honest guy too.